xxxxxxxxxxstring(4441) "Professor Antal Ádám (“Toni Adam”) passed away on March 15, 2025, at the age of 95.
Antal Ádám (Szekszárd, September 13, 1929 – Sopron, March 15, 2025) geophysicist (mine exploration engineer, 1952, Sopron), ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA, 1993), Széchenyi Prize winner (1996), two-time Academy Prize winner (1962, 1970); founding member of the predecessors of today’s HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (Geodesy and Geophysics Working Group at the local university in Sopron, 1952; MTA Geodetic and Geophysical Research Laboratories, 1955; MTA Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute, 1971), deputy director of the Sopron research institute (1972–1999), research professor of the institute until his retirement (2005).
He was a pioneer and successful instrument developer in earth current research (tellurics), a researcher of the electrical anomalies of the lithosphere of the Pannonian Basin. His main observations covered the Transdanubian Electrical Conductivity Anomaly, the characteristics of the Békés Trench, the behaviour of the geomagnetic induction vectors the Carpathian Basin, and the investigation of the electrical distortion effects of tectonic lines along seismic sections. As a result of simultaneous field observations carried out by Ernő Takács and him, in China and Hungary, they demonstrated already in 1955 that the geomagnetic pulsations are of enormous extent. He is the editor-in-chief, and lead author of the monograph summarizing the planetary geophysical knowledge of the that time socialist countries for the whole world (Geophysical and Geothermal Studies, 1976). “Toni Adam” (in Hungarian: Ádám Tóni) was a unique and celebrated figure in the international magnetotelluric community. He introduced the magnetotelluric research method even to Finland and Austria, and promoted the application of electromagnetic induction methods in India.
He was a founding member of the Association of Hungarian Geophysicists (MGE, 1954). He obtained his technical university doctorate in Miskolc (1962), with the approval of the Scientific Qualification Committee (TMB), he became „Candidate of technical sciences” (1965), and then he defended his academic doctoral dissertation (1969). He was at one time chairman of the Geophysical Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1973–1976), the Hungarian national committee of the International Lithosphere Program, the electromagnetic induction working group of the IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 1979–1983), co-chairman of the internal magnetic field division of the IAGA, chairman of the magnetotelluric working group of the planetary geophysical organization of the Comecon countries (KAPG), and vice-chairman of the Veszprém Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1990–2002). He was active in the National Athenaeum Committee, the professional college of the Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA), the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, the Scientific Council of the Hungarian Geological Survey, and in the editorial boards of domestic and international journals.
He is a titular university professor at Eötvös Loránd University (1974); an honorary member of the MGE awarded the Eötvös Loránd Memorial Medal (1980), a member of the Royal Astronomical Society (1985), an honorary doctor of the University of Oulu (1989), a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (1995), an honorary doctor of the University of Miskolc (2004), the holder of the Ipolyi Arnold Science Development Award of the Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA, 2005), a regular member of the Szent István Academy (2006), and an Honorary Citizen of the City of Sopron with County Rights (2007).
He was once a member of the National Council of the Patriotic People’s Front and the Catholic Convention of Sopron. He joined the Association of Christian Intellectuals (KÉSZ) and the Batthyány Society of Professors (PBK). As a citizen of Sopron, he is a member of the Kitaibel Pál Natural Science Society, the Sopron City Beautification Association, and President, then Honorary President of the Soproni Szemle (Sopron Review) Foundation.
Antal Ádám was one of those great individuals whose quantitative geoscience oeuvre has still shaped the research approach of the HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science.
Professor Antal Ádám passed away on March 15, 2025, at the age of 95. Antal Ádám geophysicist , ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , Széchenyi Prize winner , two-time Academy Prize winner ; founding member of the predecessors of today’s HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science , deputy director of the Sopron research institute...
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