Megjelent a Geophysical Observatory Reports legújabb száma
March 17., 2025
xxxxxxxxxxstring(1009) "The latest issue of the Geophysical Observatory Reports (GOR) series has been published. The journal was first published in 1959, in German at the time (Observatoriumsberichte), and from 1968 onwards it was published in English on a more or less annual frequency. The present volume consists of 111 pages, a preface and 7 papers in English covering the period 2023-2024. The current publication presents not only the measurements carried out at the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory in Nagycenk, but also other scientific results, instrument and measurement developments, description of field measurements, etc. related to the research infrastructure of the institute (e.g., the Tihany Geophysical Observatory, stations of the geodynamic measurement network). Each paper in this volume received  a DOI number and can be cited. The volume is available on the GOR website (including the previous issues): The GOR editorial board can be contacted at: "
The latest issue of the Geophysical Observatory Reports series has been published. The journal was first published in 1959, in German at the time , and from 1968 onwards it was published in English on a more or less annual frequency. The present volume consists of 111 pages, a preface and 7 papers in English covering the period 2023-2024. The current publication... Details >

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