Eötvös 100 Exhibition held at the Assembly of the European Geoscience Union
The EGU General Assembly was organized between 2019.04.08-12 in Vienna, where a commemorative exhibition was displayed on the occasion of the Eötvös anniversary. At the exhibition booth posters were shown about the life and works of Loránd Eötvös, illustrated by a selection of the greatest stereoscopic photographs made by Eötvös. The highlight of the exhibition was undoubtedly the original double torsion balance that was transported to the venue from the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, Sopron.The exhibition was greatly popular all week long among the more than 15 000 participants of the assembly. Many of the visitors -mostly from the field of geophysics and geodesy -were mainly attracted by the torsion balance. Some of them knew only the name of Eötvös, others knew very well his work, but we even had some visitors who were really touched to examine the more than hundred year old instrument -“I’ve been teaching this for 20 years, but never seen one!”The shiny brass instrument attracted a lot of visitors also from other fields of sciences, even those were curious to understand it who have never heard about Eötvös. The 3D photos were popular even among children who accompanied their parents at the conference.The first day of the conference coincided with the actual day of the anniversary, which gave us opportunity for a short live on-site reporting from Vienna to the commemorative celebration held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. During this reporting our special guests were Prof. Sierd Cloetingh, president of Academia Europaea and Honorary Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Jonathan Bamber, president of EGU.
The exhibition was organized by the Eötvös100 Cordination Team chaired by László Szarka former director general of MTA Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences.
For further information on Roland Eötvös Commemorative Year 2019 please visit the website: https://www.eotvos100.hu/en

Csenge Czanik and Veronika Barta organizers of the exhibition