DELAYED: 20-22 May 2020 – First EPOS SP international workshop on “Understanding Active Deformation of the Adriatic Plate and its Margins: AdriaArray – Science, Infrastructure, & Community Building”
Due to the novel coronavirus, the event will be postponed.
It will be held at a later date.
Please visit this site later.
First EPOS SP international workshop on
“Understanding Active Deformation of the Adriatic Plate and its Margins:
AdriaArray – Science, Infrastructure, & Community Building”
With this first circular, we would like to draw your attention to the first EPOS SP (Sustainability Phase) international workshop focused on fostering EPOS community services in the Adriatic-Carpathian-Dinarides region. The workshop will be held in
Sopron, Hungary, on 20-22 May 2020, at CSFK Geodetic and Geophysical Institute .
Please save the dates!
Among the goals of the workshop are:
- capacity building and strengthening cross-European scientific transfer of knowledge and infrastructure;
- coordinating with interested groups and partners the preparation of the AdriaArray experiment and key scientific components, including discussing proposals to funding sources and initial project logistics;
- broadening the community of EPOS & EPOS Seismology (ORFEUS, EMSC, EFEHR) in the region;
- discussing best practices for field work and data management of permanent and temporary deployments and tailor-made QC for dense temporary networks;
- fostering the cooperation of mobile seismic pools in Europe.
The topics of the scientific, multidisciplinary program will include seismic imaging, seismicity & geohazards, tectonics, geodesy & gravity, and modelling. The science program will be complemented by technical contributions by local network operators and EPOS Seismology representatives.
We encourage the participation of domain scientists and experts, including potential participants to the future AdriaArray experiment, EPOS SP participants and mobilepool managers from across Europe. The attendance and active participation of managers and operators of seismic and geodetic networks in Southern and Eastern Europe is a vital element for the future success of this initiative.
The workshop will comprise oral, poster and discussion / break-out sessions.
The workshop website and registration page will open in January 2020.
The maximum number of participants is set to 70.
The participation to the workshop is free of charge, including catering. The workshop is chiefly sponsored by EPOS SP, with local support from CSFK Geodetic and Geophysical Institute. Sopron is easily reachable by train and bus from Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava. We will give more information including the preliminary program in a further circular.
Looking forward to meet you in Sopron next year!
The Organising Committee:
- EPOS & EPOS Seismology integration: F. Haslinger, C. Cauzzi, R. Sleeman
- Science program & AdriaArray community setup: T. Meier, P. Kolínský, C. Faccenna
- Local organisation: I. Kovács