International Meteor Conference 2024 report

The International Meteor Conference (IMC) 2024, organized by the International Meteor Organization (IMO), was held at Hotel Mědínek in the town of Kutná Hora, Czech Republic, between September 19 and 22, 2024. The conference venue is  located in the historical center of Kutná Hora, which is famous for its medieval silver mining, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. About 100 people (mostly researchers or amateur astronomers) from 19 countries were participated on site, together with 38 online participants. At the conference, 53 interesting talks and 16 posters related to meteor science were presented.

The HUN-REN Institute for Earth Physics and Space Research (FI) was represented by Livia Deme, who presented two posters entitled “Atmospheric height measurement of meteors detected simultaneously by Digisonde and multi-site optical cameras” and “Technical Possibilities and Limitations of the DPS-4D Type of Digisonde in Individual Meteor Detections”. Co-authors of these posters were Dr. Veronika Barta and Csilla Szárnya from the FI, and other colleagues from the HUN-REN Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Science, the Institute of Atmospheric Research of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Royal Institute of Meteorology in Belgium. The posters received great interest, many people took a look at them and asked for prepints or reprints of related papers. In addition to talks, professional consultations took place between the Hungarian and foreign participants about the possible further collaboration.