Intézetünk munkatársa, Bozsó István, Agocs-díj kitüntetésben részesült

Our colleague, István Bozsó, along with three other geophysicists, was awarded the Agocs Prize on September 16. The recipients of the master’s degree awards were Barnabás Balázs Kövér and Máté Tomasik, while János Mihályka was honored for his doctoral studies. The awardees received their certificates from Rector László Borhy.

The William B. and Elizabeth Behr Agocs Geophysical Research Fund, established in 2004 by Dr. William B. Agocs and the rector of Eötvös Loránd University, provides awards to outstanding young geophysicists who have demonstrated their achievements in their PhD theses within the Geophysics program at the Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Earth Sciences or exceptional results in their MSc theses.

The award is named after William B. Agocs (November 20, 1911 – January 1, 2004), an American geophysicist of Hungarian descent, who first visited Hungary in 1971, giving lectures and conducting research with Professor György Barta. Béla Agocs was always proud of his Hungarian roots, particularly from the Vojvodina region, and learned Hungarian from his family. He gave lectures at numerous American and foreign universities in addition to ELTE. He lived in a happy marriage with his wife, Elisabeth Behr Agocs, for 63 years, and in her memory, he established the William B. and Elizabeth Behr Agocs Geophysical Research Fund on November 9, 2000.

The four recipients of the award with rector László Borhy.