Research proposal based on international cooperation was supported

The National Research, Development and Innovation Office fosters the international cooperation of research groups in basic research. The project proposal of TopoTransylvania (PI: Kovács, István János) was selected for support. The project aims the observation and modelling of the tectonically most interesting part of the European lithospheric plate, the Carpathian subduction, volcanism associated with the subduction and the effects of volcanic activity on salt tectonics by means of complex space geodesy, furthermore magnetotelluric- and seismic tomography. Beside GGI, the project leader, the initiative has been joined also by the ELTE (Eötvös Loránd Public Research University of Budapest), by the Romanian Institute for Earth Physics, by the Romanian Institute of Geodynamics, by the Sapientia University, and the Babes-Bolyai University, as well as by the Utrecht University – the world-leading center for lithosphere dynamics.

Congratulation to the participants!

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