Participation of researchers of HUN-REN EPSS on the 2024 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)

Group photo

(The photo is courtesy of Márta Berkesi.)

Several researchers of EPSS participated in the 2024 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The participating researchers pointed out the wide spectrum of research areas covered by the popular conference, which provides an excellent possibility for researchers to share their ideas, get feedback on their recent results, receive up-to-date information on new initiations and hot research topics, maintain collaborations as well as start new ones.

Some of the conference sessions have been initiated and/or managed by researchers of HUN-REN EPSS.

Section: Solving geoscience problems using mineralogy
Conveners: Jannick Ingrin, Melanie Sieber, Mara Murri, Rosario Esposito, Nicola Campomenosi, Stelianos Aspiotis, Berkesi Márta

Section: Utilizing both physical and data-driven models to assess geophysical hazards and risks with the aim of mitigating disasters
Converens: Antonella Peresan, Margaret Glasscoe, Bandana Kar, Elisa Varini, Guy J.-P. Schumann, Katalin Gribovszki, Katerina Orfanogiannaki

The following selected conference materials presented by researchers of HUN-REN EPSS point out the variety of the rich and valuable contribution of our research institute to the conference.

Gabriella Sátori, Tamás Bozóki, Earle Williams, Ernő Prácser, Raidiel Puig, Rachel Albrecht
Dynamics of global lightning activity on different time scales as indicated by Schumann resonance frequency variations

Thomas Pieter Lange, Zsófia Pálos, Márta Berkesi, Péter Pekker, Ábel Szabó, Csaba Szabó, István János Kovács
Hydrous nano-silicate melt inclusions support amphibole growth, Persani Mountains Volcanic Field (Transylvania)

Dániel Jánosi, Mátyás Herein, Tamás Tél
An ensemble based approach for the effect of climate change on the dynamics of extremes

Dalia Buresova, Jaroslav Chum, Sivakandan Mani, Jens Mielich, Jaroslav Urbar, Veronika Barta, Anna Belehaki, Tobias G.W. Verhulst, David Altadill, Antoni Segara, Daniel Kouba, Marco Guerra, Petra Koucka Knizova, Zbysek Mosna, Kitti A. Berényi, Claudio Cesaroni, and Luca Spogli
Analysis of MSTIDs triggered by dynamical events

Veronika Barta, Tamás Bozóki, Dávid Péter Süle, Daniel Kouba, Jens Mielich, Tero Raita, and Attila Buzás
Ionospheric absorption variation as measured by European Digisondes, riometers and determined by the NOAA D-RAP model during intense solar flares in September, 2017

Marcell Pásztor, Tereza Šindelářová, Daniela Ghica, Bogdan Antonescu, Ulrike Mitterbauer, Alexander Liashchuk, Tamás Bozóki, István Bondár
Categorisation of infrasound signals originated from thunderstorms using the Central and Eastern European Infrasound Network

Kristóf Porkoláb, Evangelos Moulas, Stefan Schmalholz
Numerical modelling of antigorite dehydration at 3 GPa: reaction-induced stress variations and effects of tectonic forcing

Dániel Kalmár, Konstantinos Michailos, Laura Petrescu, György Hetényi, Götz Bokelmann, and AlpArray and PACASE Working Groups
Mantle Transition Zone structure beneath the Central and Eastern European region based on P-to-S Receiver Function analysis

Tamás Bozóki, Jaroslav Chum
Comparison of gravity waves detected in the lower ionosphere by narrowband VLF measurements and in the F layer by a continuous Doppler sounding system

Katalin Gribovszki, Péter Mónus, Chuan-Chou Shen, Daniele Pinti, Bassam Ghaleb, Ernő Prácser, Marketa Lednická5, Lili Czirok, Zoltan Jerg, Attila Novák, Tamás Bazsó, Gábor Brolly, and Sándor Szalai
Constraints on long-term seismic hazard from an intact, vulnerable stalagmite for the surroundings of Ördöglik (Čertova diera) part of Domica cave, Slovakia

Photos from the conference (courtesy of Márta Berkesi, Gabriella Sátori, and Tamás Bozóki)

(Edited by: József Bór)