Tihany Geophysical Observatory

Tihany Geophysical Observatory

Tihany Geophysical Observatory started its activity in the year 1955. Since that time the observatory has continuously recorded geomagnetic data.

Geomagnetic measurement requires anomaly free geological environment, special buildings (the buildings have to be free of ferromagnetic material i.e. iron) and careful operation of unique instruments. A further important task is to ensure the satisfied environment of the measurement e.g.: temperature stability, uninterruptible power, lightning-safe solutions etc. The data acquisition is also a cardinal question because this system guarantees the correct time stamps of the samples and this system ensures the required digital format and data security of the recorded data.

Current magnetic records in Tihany Geophysical Observatory

The observatory’s data can be freely accessed and used for scientific purposes through the INTERMAGNET portal:

In the framework of cooperation, the observatory also provides space for geophysical and space research measurements of other domestic and international institutions and organizations, and is open to such cooperation.

Address: 8237 Tihany, Kossuth Lajos utca 91.